Faithland Serving Opportunities
We are always looking for volunteers who have a heart to serve God through our ministry. Our yearly calendar runs from mid-August to the end of August of the following year, with commitment levels and expectations varying for different roles.
Please consider using your gifts for the children of our body!
Teacher -Prepare during the week and lead small groups on Sundays. Keep a close account of the children's spiritual walk and communicate with parents as needed. Sunday morning devotions and Bi-monthly fellowship/training meetings (Sunday dinner) are required.
Assistant Teacher - Help teachers in a classroom or large group as needed.
Room Parents - One parent per grade to act as a communication bridge between staff/teachers and parents. Work with PTA coordinator to help with special events.
Greeter -Welcome and help children during the check-in time: Sundays at 9:15- 9:45 (Session 1) OR 11:15 -11:45 (Session 2). Help newcomers feel comfortable and help parents register their children. Usher children to their seats.
Substitutes -Be one of the contacts to be called when a teacher or helper is expected to be absent. Prepare and fill the role on Sunday as needed. Prior experience or training is needed. You can respond according to your availability and are not required to sub when asked.
Gift Sharing -We are always looking for those who would like to use their gifts in a specialized area (crafts, praise, games, computer/media, administration, etc.) as needed. Commitment level is flexible.
Youth Helper - Those who are minors will be considered a “youth helper”. Roles range from high leadership/intern positions to various supportive roles as needed. Available positions include those that involve interaction with children as well as administrative, non-contact roles based on preference and skills.
If you are interested in becoming a volunteer, sign up here or contact:
Rebecca Park